The Characteristics of an Eagle
A WIZARD that acts like and EAGLE will have:
VISION: The EAGLE always has its eyes focused on the prize, just like our students who excel in the classroom, making honor roll each term.
INDEPENDENCE: Unlike other birds the EAGLE rarely travels or follows a pack. Our students are leaders, not followers. No disciplinary referrals exemplifies leadership.
CHARACTER: The EAGLE uses the winds of a storm to soar above the adversity. Since they work through adversity, avoid temptation and distractions, students are never late or absent from class and school.
INDEPENDENCE: Unlike other birds the EAGLE rarely travels or follows a pack. Our students are leaders, not followers. No disciplinary referrals exemplifies leadership.
CHARACTER: The EAGLE uses the winds of a storm to soar above the adversity. Since they work through adversity, avoid temptation and distractions, students are never late or absent from class and school.
EAGLE Award Winners
Eagles of the Quarter
Each quarter, four students from each class will be selected as Eagles of the Quarter. To be recognized, a student must exhibit the qualities and characteristics of an Eagle.
Class of 2022:
Class of 2023:
Class of 2024:
Class of 2025: